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Will Google Cure Death?

Put aside philosophy and think in biological terms - the purpose of life is to reproduce. Every species exists only to further its kind. Since every organism must eventually die, there's got to be some way of preserving the species. That's the core process of reproduction. But why not have a single organism live forever instead? Ever…

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Illustration of a person suffering from synesthesia

Synesthesia: Biological Magic

Ever wondered how life would be if you could see sound or smell colours? Or 'feel' music, or 'touch' light? Or 'listen' to food? This isn't as preposterous as it sounds. In fact, this phenomenon is an actual occurrence. It's called synesthesia. Synesthesia is a condition where a false perception from other…

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How far are we from Nanobots?

Before we address the aforementioned question, let’s first try to answer this question and understand where we stand in the field of Nanotechnology. Let’s begin with what is Nanotechnology and why do we need to understand and focus on this. Well… to begin with Nanotechnology is an emerging field of science dealing with substances or…

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Project Exobiotanica: Plants Into Space

Project Exobiotanica, a groundbreaking initiative, has boldly expanded the frontiers of space exploration in a way that captures the imagination and challenges our traditional perceptions of who—or what—can be an astronaut. For centuries, the vast expanse of space has been a realm reserved for the bravest human pioneers, with iconic figures like Neil Armstrong and…

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