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Solar city

The Rise and Rise of SolarCity

There seem to be two pillars that form the structure of rapid development: Technology and Human Skill. It is evident that these driving forces need a catalyst to facilitate smart and sustainable development. The catalyst being energy, is widely consumed. This consumption increases at a rate of 2.1% every year. Energy resources have evolved over time…

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Space Junk Needs Our Attention

As of 2013 , there are more than 170 million objects smaller than 1 cm in orbit around our planet. About 670,000 objects range between 1 to 10 cm, while about 29,000 larger debris are also circling the Earth. That's a lot of space junk. Fortunately, space is big. Or so we've thought. Soon, space junk will be a bigger problem…

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Basics of CRISPR

A Noob’s Guide to CRISPR

Imagine being able to eliminate cancer cells from a patient's body altogether, or grooming bigger cows that give you double the meat (or milk). Imagine curing blindness. Thanks to the CRISPR revolution, all this and more, is now possible. CRISPR is a segment present in the genetic code of prokaryotic organisms. Humans have eukaryotic cells…

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What are Molecular Machines?

Machines lace almost all social, political cultural and economic issues currently being discussed. Why, you ask? Clearly, because we live in a world that has all its modern economies and demographic trends pivoting around machines and factories at all scales. We have reached the stage in the evolution of our civilization where we cannot fathom…

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