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Author page: yshashank

How Neural Networks and Deep Learning Will Ultimately Transform Modern Healthcare.

We've obsessed with Artificial Intelligence and its ramifications enough - from the automation threat to its wide ranging applications in saving our species. Modern healthcare too, is poised for an impact on multiple such parameters. Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Diagnosis The medical industry is facing a shortage of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare assistants to respond to the…

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A Brief History Of Life

What we see in the night sky is a tiny part of the infinite universe. With the discovery of the Earth being around the planet to the invention of nuclear weapons, numerous theories have come up now and then as of how did the universe, the Earth, and most importantly how did we come into…

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Illustration of exoplanets

7 Earth Sized Exoplanets Discovered

A recent announcement by NASA has lit up cosmology circles. Seven earth-sized exoplanets have been discovered, making it the largest discovery of such objects so far. Of course, the new find has (again) raised hopes of finding life beyond our planet, even though such detection is probably impossible in our lifetimes. What is an Exoplanet? Exoplanets…

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