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Tag: space

Can we Colonise Titan?

Mankind has been unrelenting in its efforts to search for extra-terrestrial life. Somehow, asking 'Are we alone?' generates a unique emotion every time you bring it up. Innumerable spacecrafts have been deployed to look for life (more than 150 at last count) and research the surface and atmospheric conditions of worlds yet unexplored. The…

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Is this life real?

Is our life real? Are we truly living? Or are we just segments of computer code? Wake up Neo. There's isn't just one answer to this. In fact, we currently do not have a perfect answer. Physicists are engaged in a deep debate on the nature of our reality, with strong arguments supporting the…

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When Will We Go Interstellar – Part 1

While discussing the probability of interstellar travel, there exists a “giggle factor”, basically signifying how many scientists scoff upon the idea of travelling light years to reach other stars. In fact, according to Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity, no usable information can travel faster than light locally, and hence it would take centuries to millennia…

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