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The Big Deal with the Small Nuclear Reactors

1 Comment

  • Mario Neiva
    Posted November 15, 2016 at 11:47 am

    I’ve read articles before talking about a specific energy solution (nuclear, solar, hidro, geo, etc) and they all fail to mention some basic issues such as actual cost (construction, maintenance, fuel prices and how much is required), additional requirements such as water and coolants, dependence on other countries on fuel source (refined uranium), location requirements such as area and safe distance from communities, used fuel handling and costs.
    Other things I really think should always be mention is distance from source to consumer since transmitting lines and substations cost a lot of money to build and maintain. For example, the small nuclear reactors, if safe enough could be located near a city and would not require hundreds of miles of high voltage lines and step-down substations, it also allows grid independence avoiding state wise blackouts in case of source or distribution issues.

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